Living Company Report

Reports on the Living Company

Living Company Report is a comprehensive Boxmarche release featuring Financial Statements, Social and Environmental Report and Intellectual Capital Analysis. The Living Company Report should be understood in two ways: as a “Living Report on the Company,” indeed, but also as a “Report on the Living Company.” It all sums up to a true romance because the Company - this Company - represents the Mindset of the People who live it everyday. It’s just for them. In 2007, Boxmarche’s Living Company Report won the "Oscar di Bilancio" National Award for the SME category.

Living Company Report
Our natural bent to think outside the box led to revisiting our communication. So, a technical and basically dull release has turned into a dynamic document which does not just pile up numbers, but also tells the stories of the People who wrote it, their feelings, professional lives and true hearts. Ask for a hard copy of the ‘Living Company Report’ by sending an email to:
Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Poema Operoso

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Umiltà, Attenzione, Rispetto

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Connettere, Interagire, Costruire – Una rete virtuosa per il futuro

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Distribuire, Disporre, Divulgare

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

CIBOX – Persone Ottimismo Bravura Immaginazione Cambiamento

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Boxmarche 45: UnAnimaMente

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Contenuti Incontenibili

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Crescita e Convergenze

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

CLean Day

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Essere in Linea, Lean e Leader

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Boxmarche – Quarant’anni sulla Scena

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Il Packaging di Valore

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Innovazione al Cubo

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Il Capitale Intangibile

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

Azienda Ambiente Territorio

Living Company Report
Living Company Report

L’Azienda Sostenibile

Living Company Report

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